Step #1
Walk across the Faryon Bridge to East Bank.

Step #2
Keep walking straight towards the entrance of the Environmental Science Center.

Step #3
On entering the building, walk straight down the hallway.

Step #4
Keep walking towards the hallway exit.

Step #5
Walk down the hallway to the stairway door.

Step #6
Open the door to the stairway.

Step #7
Walk up the stairway.

Step #8
Exit this door (the only option).

Step #9
On exiting the stairway, turn right and walk down the hallway.

Step #10
Keep walking towards the rooftop entrance on the right.

Step #11
Walk straight ahead to the rooftop door.

Step #12
Look to your left, you are at the rooftop garden!

Step #13
Rooftop Gardens - B305.1